Afternoon Tea - English below
Nyd en lækker Afternoon Tea hos Peter Beier i Lyngby med en eller to du holder af.
Sandwich med hjortespegepølse og pesto - for vegetar option så får man ekstra ost i stedet
Sandwich med creamcheese og agurk
Surdejsboller med chocolate spread
Unika efterglød 48+ ost,
Årstidens frugt
Chokolade scones
Sæsonens dessert chokolade.
Derudover, får I to valgfrie kugler is.
Hvis det lyder som noget for dig, så tilmeld dig en hyggelig søndags Afternoon Tea.
Ledsager er velkommen, dog højst 2 ledsagere pr. medlem.
OBS! Tilmeldingen er bindende, og ubenyttet plads refunderes ikke efter afmeldingsfristen.
Har du spørgsmål til arrangementet, så kontakt IDA Kulturforum ved Tina Bjørn Nielsen (tlf. 60601340 eller tina.bjø - kontakt kun for IDA-medlemmer.
Husk at få afmeldt dig fra ventelisten, hvis du ikke ønsker at være med på arrangementet.
Afternoon Tea:
Enjoy a delicious Afternoon Tea at Peter Beier Chocolate in Lyngby with one or two dear to you.
Afternoon Tea consists of:
Sandwich with salami and pesto - vegetarin option: more cheese instead
Sandwiches with creamcheese og cucumber
Sourdough bun with chocolate spread
Unika 48+ cheese
Seasonal fruit
Choclate scones
Seasonal dessert chocolate
You'll also get two ice cream scoups of choice
If this sounds like something for you, sign up for a cozy Sunday Afternoon Tea.
Companions are welcome, but a maximum of 2 companions per member.
NOTE! Registration is binding, and unused space will not be refunded after the cancellation deadline.
If you have any questions about the event, please contact IDA Kulturforum by Tina Bjørn Nielsen (tel. 60601340) or - contact is only for IDA members.
Remember to unsubscribe from the waiting list if you do not want to participate in the event.
ANYONE CAN JOIN - Most of IDA's events are open to everyone, but you must have an IDA user profile in order to participate. It's free and non-binding - create a user profile now. As a member of IDA, you get a discount on many of our events, so please sign in with your member login when you sign up for an event. Read more about the benefits of an IDA membership here.