Advanced features from the newest versions of C++ in SW platforms for embedded systems

Advanced features from the newest versions of C++ in SW platforms for embedded systems
Advanced features from the newest versions of C++ in software platforms for embedded systems - followed by a panel discussion of the arising issues.

Søren Nielsen from Danfoss Drives and Mikael Helbo Kjær from Bitzer Electronics will give examples of applying advanced features from the newest versions of C++ in SW-platforms for embedded systems. After this they will form the panel for a panel-discussion with the audience about the issues that might arise using such advanced features in C++

The presenters:

Mikael Helbo Kjær is Software Specialist at Bitzer Electronics. As part of the Embedded Software Team Mikael works as developer mentor and code reviewer as well as software designer and developer for Bitzer electronics’ cross-platform and cross-product software library. Bitzer Electronics makes a variety of electronic products in the fields of floor heating, transport, heat pumps, HVAC and compressors.

Søren Nielsen is firmware software developer at Danfoss Drives. His main focus is general firmware and platform functionality. He has a 30+ year career focusing on C++ from the very start. Danfoss Drives in Gråsten produce VLT and iC7 frequency converters.

Sandwiches will be served - if you have special dietary needs,  then you can order a chicken sandwich or vegetarian sandwich by sending an email to Søren Top  ( )

  • When

    7. dec. 2023 16:30 - 19:00
  • Where

    Syddansk Universitet, Alsion 2, 6400 Sønderborg

  • Registration Deadline

    3. dec. 2023 - 23:55

  • Organizer

    Sønderjylland Afdeling, IDA Syd

  • Available Seats


  • Event Number
