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For your information, IDA has specific guidelines for when new members need to join IDA in order to qualify for financial support in the event of industrial action. IDA does not expect industrial action. However, since we have entered into difficult negotiations, it is very important to inform new members of the date on which they must enrol with IDA in order to qualify for financial support.
A new member of IDA must enrol before 1 February 2018 to be sure to qualify for financial support in the event of industrial action, since industrial action may take effect on 1 April 2018.
If members join IDA after 1 February 2018, they should be aware that there is a qualifying period equivalent to the remainder of the current month plus two months before they will be entitled to financial support from IDA.
For example, if they join on 18 February 2018, they will qualify for financial support from 1 May 2018.
New members must enrol as paying members in the “employed” category, with no trial membership, in order to qualify for financial support. As a “trial member”, they will not be entitled to financial support, even if they are affected by the industrial action.
In addition, membership categories for students, pensioners and the self-employed do not qualify members for financial support. The same applies if they are a member of another trade union and pay reduced membership fees to IDA for that reason – these members are not entitled to financial support in the event of industrial action.
If you have any questions about the above, you are welcome to contact IDA on 3318 4848.