
IDA Chemistry

We work with chemistry used in research, development and production, and our main purpose is to inform our members and the surrounding community about technical issues that have a chemical interest.

About IDA Chemistry

Our 5,200 members are mainly (chemical) engineers. We are also pleased to have a long line of personal members, including pharmacists and MScs as well as members with an education relating to chemistry. Furthermore, the society has a number of company members.

We arrange after-work meetings where we invite experts from Denmark and abroad - as well as a number of large conferences across the country - such as the dsk. conference every other year.

The four liaison committees of IDA Chemistry

To best accommodate the large number of members we have an executive committee and three liaison committees. The liaison committees each cover different specialist fields: chemometrics, thermal analysis and applied chemistry.

Why you should join IDA Chemistry:

  • Participate in the events and keep up to date in your field of expertise
  • Receive the publication Dansk Kemi for only DKK 70 per year.
  • You will receive our newsletter with upcoming events

If you want to learn more, contact network coordinator Michelle Isabella Synderlund Jensen

Cost of membership

  • IDA member: Free
  • Company membership: DKK 600 per year
  • Not an IDA member: DKK 500 per year

Join network

All IDA members can join IDA's many networks for free.

Join IDA Chemistry