About IDA

Submitting complaints or ideas to IDA

You can get help from IDA via phone or online if you have questions, complaints or feedback about our work.

Problems with logging in to Mit IDA

Contact IDA's member service

Problems with Ingeniørenr, Version2 or Tech media

See who to contact

Complaints about IDA's services

You can write us at klage@ida.dk if you are unsatisfied with an online purchase of a service at IDA – being for example access to an event or a product/service – in accordance with EU regulations regarding consumer protection and complaint procedures.

You can read more at EU’s website about Online Dispute Resolution and learn about your rights and possibilities when submitting a complaint about online purchases with The Danish Society of Engineers, IDA.

How IDA processes complaints

Since 2004, we have had a joint administrative system for processing complaints which ensures:

  • A fast and unified process for complaints. All members will get a response within 14 days of IDA receiving the complaint, e.g. a temporary response if the investigation demands more time.
  • Revision of our services and internal workflow, if the complaint demands it.
  • To inform the political management at our executive committee about the number and content of any complaints through an annual report, such as a note of the complaints of the specific period.

If you have complained to IDA and did not get the help you wanted, you can complain to the Center for Complaint Resolution.

Read more and start your complaint in the Center for Complaint Resolution at Nævnenes Hus

Complaints about violations of IDA's rules and guidelines, inappropriate behavior, violations of the law, infringements, etc.

If, during your time in IDA, you have experienced cooperation difficulties, illegalities, sexual harassment or the like from IDA employees, active, elected politicians or members, you can complain.

Read more and complain

Ideas and feedback

Do you have a good idea for an activity, a new membership offer or similar, or would you like to share feedback with IDA?

Write to IDA

Call IDA