IDA Upgrade: Competencies that ensure successful planning

IDA Upgrade: Competencies that ensure successful planning
Attend the webinar on how competencies play a role in successful planning and gain insight into how you can strengthen and structure your company's planning function. The webinar will be in English.

The webinar on Modern Planning Competencies 

Planning has evolved greatly since it originated in the start of the industrial revolution. At the dawn of mass production and when division of labour became the primary objective, managers had to keep raw materials and components at hand to keep production lines running. 

As supply chains has evolved, becoming increasingly complex and entangled, so has the demands on competence and knowledge of supply chain planners. Advances in technology can aid planners in this complicated assignment, but only if fully understood and used correctly. At the same time, organisations are becoming increasingly political and fragmented, putting high pressure on supply chain managers to coordinate the joint efforts.

As a result of this, modern planners need to be a mix of data scientist and business partners, on top of understanding the complexities of the supply chain they are managing. These different roles are often tied to different personality types, and it is difficult to find one person that can take it all on. This presents a clear dilemma of how organisations can cover all roles to get the best foundation for the future planning demands.

Join us at this webinar to dive into this topic with us and learn what competences planning might require in the future. 

Benefits from the webinar:

Gain a basic understanding of how Supply Chain planning has evolved and in what direction it will evolve in the future.

Understand which key competencies will be essential for good planning in a future setup, and how you as a department can cover these competencies.

Get good advice on how you can promote your competencies and where it might make sense to begin.

Take the opportunity to get answers to some of the questions you may have about Supply Chain planning in general.

If you are curious to hear more about this, sign up for the webinar and get a little wiser about what it is and what it can be used for.

Participant profile

The webinar is relevant for anyone who wants to gain more knowledge about how supply chain planning has developed and what requirements the task places on future planners.


Connie Køhler Gudum, Ph.D. in Operations Management from CBS.

Gå på opdagelse i de mange webinarer, der er fordelt ud over hele uge 10 på IDA Upgrade - årets online efteruddannelsesmesse for ingeniører, it-professionelle og science-uddannede.

More about the instructor:

Connie Gudum is a partner at Implement Consulting Group and has deep expertise within S&OP, Supply Chain & Operations Excellence, Operations Leadership Development and academies.

Connie has extensive practical experience from working with supply chain projects for 20+ years comprising analysis, design and implementation across business functions. Connie's primary focus in every project is on change management, capability lifting, training, leadership involvement and creating sustainable impact.



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  • When

    9. mar. 2021 09:00 - 09:45
  • Where

    Webinar foran din egen pc, tablet, smartphone

  • Registration Deadline

    9. mar. 2021 - 08:00

  • Organizer

    IDA Operations Management

  • Available Seats


  • Event Number
